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Robotics and Automation - Shaip

The Use of Machine Learning in Document Classification

Vatsal Ghiya, CEO and co-founder of Shaip in this guest feature has put some details on the use of Machine Learning(ML) in accelerating the data processing for organizations. Let’s get into this blog to understand why to use Machine Learning(ML) in the data process and make a business performance at ease.

The Key Takeaway from the Article is

  • How would you feel if given a high volume of data and told to classify the data as per the requirement? Looks time-consuming right? But, now enterprises can use technologies like Machine Learning(ML) to classify documents and process data easier.
  • In layman’s language, document classification is the automation process where relevant and classified documents must be stacked into relevant classes and categories. Also, document classification can be considered a sub-domain of intelligent document processing.
  • Enterprises can use multiple machine-learning techniques to classify documents. These techniques are unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and also through rule-based techniques. And to classify the data, first organizations have to collect data, using sentiment analysis, then train the model on these parameters, and last check the dataset to check the model quality.

Read the full article here:


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